A Prayer for the Weekend

For the past couple of days, this prayer has been a fruitful meditation and prayer for me as I celebrate our victorious and risen Lord. Perhaps it might likewise be a blessing to you. Also, John Piper recently preached a message at Texas A&M entitled "Radical Effects of the Resurrection" which can be downloaded here. Any other resources or ways to think, study, and reflect on Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection is welcome in the comments section.

Crucifixion and Resurrection

O Lord,

I marvel that thou shouldst become incarnate,
be crucified, dead, and buried.

The sepulchre calls forth my adoring wonder,
for it is empty and thou art risen;
the four-fold gospel attests it,
the living witnesses prove it,
my heart's experience knows it.

Give me to die with thee that I may rise to new life,
for I wish to be as dead and buried
to sin, to selfishness, to the world;
that I might not hear the voice of the charmer,
and might be delivered from his lusts.

O Lord, there is much ill about me - crucify it,
much flesh within me - mortify it.
Purge me from selfishness,
the fear of man, the love of approbation,
the shame of being thought old-fashioned,
the desire to be cultivated or modern.

Let me reckon my old life dead
because of crucifixion,
and never feed it as a living thing.

Grant me to stand with my dying Saviour,
to be content to be rejected,
to be willing to take up unpopular truths,
and to hold fast despised teachings until death.

Help me to be resolute and Christ-contained.
Never let me wander from the path of obedience to thy will.
Strengthen me for the battles ahead.
Given me courage for all the trials,
and grace for all the joys.

Help me to be a holy, happy person,
free from every wrong desire,
from everything contrary to thy mind.

Grant me more and more of the resurrection life:
may it rule me,
may I walk in its power,
and be strengthened through its influence.

Source: "Crucifixion and Resurrection" in The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions. ed. Arthur Bennett (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2003), 172-73.

- Posted by Timmy Brister, April 6, 2007


Unknown said...

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vandorsten said...

Can you add me as well? I am in the online distance-learning program


Thanks and keep up the good work.

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